Microarray analysis defines the DosR regulon and indicates that it may play a role in hypoxic response. Binding motifs upstream of acr gene is calculated using motif-discovery program YMF (http://frizzled.cs.washington.edu/YMF/YMFWeb/intro.pl#YMF) and palindromic consensus sequence is discovered. Primer extension used to discover transcription start site of gene. EMSA confirms that TF binds to upstream region of gene.
Regulated genes for each binding site are displayed below. Gene regulation diagrams show binding sites, positively-regulated genes, negatively-regulated genes, both positively and negatively regulated genes, genes with unspecified type of regulation. For each indvidual site, experimental techniques used to determine the site are also given.
Site sequence | Regulated genes | Gene diagram | Experimental techniques | TF function | TF type |
activator | dimer | |
activator | dimer |