Curation Information

Characterization of the response to zinc deficiency in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120.;Napolitano M, Rubio MÁ, Santamaría-Gómez J, Olmedo-Verd E, Robinson NJ, Luque I;Journal of bacteriology 2012 May; 194(10):2426-36 [22389488]
Zur [Q8YU81, view regulon]
Reported TF sp.
Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
Reported site sp.
Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
Created by
Dinara Sagitova
Curation notes

Experimental Process

EMSAs were done to confirm binding. An insertion-deletion mutant was generated by gene replacement to confirm regulation of the operon by Zur. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that Zur binding to DNA is highly sequence specific.

Transcription Factor Binding Sites


Gene Regulation

Regulated genes for each binding site are displayed below. Gene regulation diagrams show binding sites, positively-regulated genes, negatively-regulated genes, both positively and negatively regulated genes, genes with unspecified type of regulation. For each indvidual site, experimental techniques used to determine the site are also given.

Site sequence Regulated genes Gene diagram Experimental techniques TF function TF type
... ... all4725 all4724 thrS all4722 folE all4726 all4727 asl4728 all4729
Experimental technique details EMSA (ECO:0001807) - Experimental technique details Site directed mutagenesis (ECO:0005667) - repressor not specified
... ... thrS all4722 folE all4724 all4725 all4726 all4727 asl4728 all4729
Experimental technique details EMSA (ECO:0001807) - Experimental technique details Site directed mutagenesis (ECO:0005667) - repressor not specified