A PSSM search using known phhA sites and the consensus was used to identify potential binding sites. A beta-gal assay was performed to show that PhhR up-regulates the genes. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to show that binding of PhhR is favorable.
Quantitative data format: Kd from quantitative EMSA.
AGGTTGTCGAGGATGTGTTCGACGTG 0.72Regulated genes for each binding site are displayed below. Gene regulation diagrams show binding sites, positively-regulated genes, negatively-regulated genes, both positively and negatively regulated genes, genes with unspecified type of regulation. For each indvidual site, experimental techniques used to determine the site are also given.
Site sequence | Regulated genes | Gene diagram | Experimental techniques | TF function | TF type |
activator | dimer | |
activator | dimer |