RpoN - UniProtKB: Q74BZ1 regulon and binding site collection of Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA

Sites are listed as curated.


Sites are listed after the alignment process. For alignment of variable-length binding sites, LASAGNA is used.


For the selected transcription factor and species, the list of curated binding sites in the database are displayed below. Gene regulation diagrams show binding sites, positively-regulated genes, negatively-regulated genes, both positively and negatively regulated genes, genes with unspecified type of regulation.

    Genome TF TF conformation Site sequence Site location Experimental techniques Gene regulation Curations PMIDs
    NC_002939.5 Q74BZ1 not specified TGGCATTTCGGTTGCA +[451028:451043] Experimental technique details DNA-array expression analysis (ECO:0005525) - Experimental technique details Primer Extension assay (ECO:0005657) - Experimental technique details PSSM site search (ECO:0005659) fliL (GSU0420) , flgE (GSU0419) , fliM (GSU0421) , fliN (GSU0422) , fliO (GSU3482) , fliP (GSU0423) , fliQ (GSU0424) , fliR (GSU0425) , flhB (GSU0426) , GSU0427
    ... ... fliL flgE fliM fliN fliO fliP fliQ fliR flhB GSU0427
    466 19624843
    NC_002939.5 Q74BZ1 not specified TGGTATCCCCCTTGCT -[3027514:3027529] Experimental technique details DNA-array expression analysis (ECO:0005525) - Experimental technique details Primer Extension assay (ECO:0005657) - Experimental technique details PSSM site search (ECO:0005659) dcuB (GSU2751) , GSU2750 , GSU2749 , GSU2748 , GSU2747 , GSU2746 , GSU2753
    ... ... dcuB GSU2750 GSU2749 GSU2748 GSU2747 GSU2746 GSU2753
    466 19624843
    NC_002939.5 Q74BZ1 not specified AGGCAGACTATTTGCT -[2002708:2002723] Experimental technique details DNA-array expression analysis (ECO:0005525) - Experimental technique details Primer Extension assay (ECO:0005657) - Experimental technique details PSSM site search (ECO:0005659) glnB (GSU1836) , glnA (GSU1835) , GSU1834 , trpS (GSU1833) , scpA (GSU1832) , scpB (GSU1831) , GSU1830 , GSU1829 , GSU1828 , nadB (GSU1827) , GSU1837 , hrpB (GSU1838) , GSU1839 , GSU1840 , GSU1841 , GSU1842
    ... ... 2000000 glnB glnA GSU1834 trpS scpA scpB GSU1830 GSU1829 GSU1828 nadB GSU1837 hrpB GSU1839 GSU1840 GSU1841 GSU1842
    466 19624843
    NC_002939.5 Q74BZ1 not specified TGGCACAATGCTTGCC +[834866:834881] Experimental technique details DNA-array expression analysis (ECO:0005525) - Experimental technique details Primer Extension assay (ECO:0005657) - Experimental technique details PSSM site search (ECO:0005659) fdnG (GSU0777) , fdnI (GSU0779) , fdnT (GSU0781) , GSU0776 , GSU0775 , GSU0774 , GSU0773 , GSU0772 , fdnH (GSU0778) , fdhD/mobA-2 (GSU0780)
    ... ... fdnG fdnI fdnT GSU0776 GSU0775 GSU0774 GSU0773 GSU0772 fdnH fdhD/mobA-2
    466 19624843
    NC_002939.5 Q74BZ1 not specified TGGCACGTGGGGTGCA -[3087155:3087170] Experimental technique details DNA-array expression analysis (ECO:0005525) - Experimental technique details Primer Extension assay (ECO:0005657) - Experimental technique details PSSM site search (ECO:0005659) nifEN (GSU2806) , nifX (GSU2805) , fdxN (GSU2804) , nifB (GSU2803) , draT (GSU2802) , GSU2801 , draG (GSU2800) , ycbK (GSU2807)
    ... ... nifEN nifX fdxN nifB draT GSU2801 draG ycbK
    466 19624843
    NC_002939.5 Q74BZ1 not specified TGGCACATAACATGCT -[3350119:3350134] Experimental technique details DNA-array expression analysis (ECO:0005525) - Experimental technique details Primer Extension assay (ECO:0005657) - Experimental technique details PSSM site search (ECO:0005659) flgJ (GSU3046) , flgM (GSU3045) , flgN (GSU3044) , flgK (GSU3043) , flgL (GSU3042) , csrA (GSU3041) , fliW (GSU3040) , flgI (GSU3047) , flgH (GSU3048) , flgA (GSU3050) , flgG (GSU3051) , flgF (GSU3052) , fliA (GSU3053) , flhG (GSU3054) , flhF (GSU3055) , flhA (GSU3056)
    ... ... flgJ flgM flgN flgK flgL csrA fliW flgI flgH flgA flgG flgF fliA flhG flhF flhA
    466 19624843

    All binding sites in split view are combined and a sequence logo is generated. Note that it may contain binding site sequences from different transcription factors and different species. To see individiual sequence logos and curation details go to split view.

    Sites are listed as curated.


    Sites are listed after the alignment process. For alignment of variable-length binding sites, LASAGNA is used.

    Download data in FASTA format.
    Download data in TSV (tab-separated-value) format. For each binding site, all sources of evidence (i.e. experimental techniques and publication information) are combined into one record.
    Download raw data in TSV format. All reported sites are exported individually.
    Download data in Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF).
    Download Position-Specific-Frequency-Matrix of the motif in TRANSFAC format.
    Download Position-Specific-Frequency-Matrix of the motif in JASPAR format.
    Download Position-Specific-Frequency-Matrix of the motif in raw FASTA format. The matrix consists of four columns in the order A C G T.